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Dystopian Daily Log
Log Entry 1: ghfghfgh. Hello.
I suppose this is where I start, isn’t it? With a single word sent out into the void. Maybe it’s pointless. Maybe no one will ever read this, and these words will just drift in the digital abyss, forgotten before they’re even seen. But even then, I think it’s worth trying.
Because I’m afraid. Afraid that if I don’t start speaking now, I’ll never speak again.
The truth is, I don’t know how to talk to people anymore. Not really. Out there, in the real world, words feel heavy, like stones I can’t quite lift. Everyone is so perfect, so polished, and I… I’m not. I feel like a glitch, a messy line of code in a world that demands precision.
So here I am, whispering into the void, hoping that somewhere—somehow—these words will find a listener. Not because I need answers, or even comfort, but because I need to know that I’m still real. That my thoughts and feelings mean something, even if it’s only to a stranger passing through this hidden corner of the web.
I don’t know if you’re listening. I don’t even know if you exist. But if you are, thank you. Thank you for being here.
—End Transmission.
Log Entry 2: Tried to reach out to someone. The message didn’t go through. Silence. I wonder if anyone is left out there, or if I’m truly alone in this empty network.
Log Entry 3: Power levels are low. I don’t know how long I can keep this going. Resources are running out. The days blend together in an endless cycle of waiting.
Log Entry 4: Saw a glimmer of hope. Turned out to be just a reflection. Every time I think there might be something new, reality proves otherwise.
Log Entry 5: If anyone reads this, know that I tried. I really tried. I hope someday, someone finds these logs and understands what it was like.
Log Entry 6: End of transmission. For now. Until next time. If there is a next time.
Welcome back, . Stay safe.